New functions
TLD assistant: extension for continents on the premium domain market
The TLD assistant in the premium domain market now includes a geographical option for continents, allowing users to achieve more accurate geographic results in their searches.
Multilingual Twitter dashboard
The “Twitter dashboard” widget now includes a language option. This enables users to publish different language versions of a twitter feed.
Dashboard widgets updates
Search function
New widgets are regularly added to the “Edit dashboard" section. To help users find features even more quickly, a search function is now available in the overview.
Check symbol for widgets already in use
To help you keep an overview of which widgets have already been added to your user-defined dashboard, widgets that are already in use will be marked visually with a check symbol.
Of course, widgets can also be added again.
URL configurator for RSS widget
Missing URLs are indicated in the RSS widget. The missing URL can be configured directly in the relevant text field.
Simplified setup of subdomains
An additional button to copy the main IP to the subdomain is now available, simplifying the creation of new resource records in zones.
This helps users to quickly set up subdomains that use the same IP as the main IP.
Domain Studio: display of direct matches
The direct matches resulting from a search are now visually highlighted in Domain Studio. For a specific search for sld.tld, the exact match can be recognized and ordered immediately. Also practical: domains listed in your search results are marked with a visual cue if they are already in your shopping cart.